Workshop Demonstrations at the Greater Denton Arts Council
Service comprises 10% of my workload. Mentoring happens in the classroom with undergraduates and applies to former students. My purpose in service to my students and alumni has been to mentor future generations of designers to engage in a strategic trajectory throughout their career lifecycles. I am also active in support of my institution. In use my service to create value by coordinating and executing my program’s annual fashion show event. I have also spearheaded my department’s Strategic Planning Committee (2023), and served as a founding member of our college's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusionwork group (2022_2023). For significance, I was selected to serve in the D.C. Faculty Fellowship program, representing our college in Washington, D.C. (2020). For service impact to my discipline, I have assisted in the peer-review process for journals and juried conference submissions (2023).

As part of my program service, I assisted the program coordinator by spearheading the organization and executing critical documents needed for university compliance initiatives – such as the Fashion Design Program Inclusive Curriculum Review and Institutional Effectiveness report. I am also the team leads for the Design Department's Strategic Planning Committee, representing the Fashion Design program. 

As part of my program service, I mentored several of our junior fashion design faculty, including several adjunct faculties (SP2023 ADES 2555 Patternmaking, FA 2022 ADES 4590 Professional Practice, SP 2022 ADES 3560 Technical Design). I mentored our graduate student Teaching Fellow Gloria Milfetu on delivering our FA 2022 ADES 2550 Patternmaking 1 content and Teaching Assistant Jennifer Stanley on providing our high enrollment SP 2022 ADES 1550 Introduction to Fashion Design INET course. I was also the team lead for our undergraduate BFA fashion design exhibitions, including coordinating the 2023 Live Runway Senior Fashion Show, the  2022 Senior Virtual Runway, and the 2022 Mounted Exhibition.

Regarding the College, I participated as one of the founding members of CVAD's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council based on an interest in supporting the needs of CVAD's diverse student and faculty community. I have also participated actively in search committees, including the 2022 Fashion Design and the 2021 Communication Design User-Experience searches.

In service to the discipline, I actively participate in various ad-hoc committees related to my research interests, including the Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion and Adaptive Design workgroup. These workgroups meet monthly to discuss research dissemination, shared goals, and strategies for implementing an equitable and inclusive curriculum related to the fashion design discipline. Furthermore, I have reviewed supplemental Patternmaking video textbook resources on behalf of Fairchild Publications (the textbook division of Bloomsbury Publishing), and contributed to the peer review process for scholarly journals and conferences.

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